Grades K-2 Classwork
week of 3/30
[email protected] or save all your work in a folder and show me when we go back to school.
[email protected] or save all your work in a folder and show me when we go back to school.
[email protected] or save all your work in a folder and show me when we go back to school.
Week of 4/27
Students this week will learn how to draw a rain cloud. Watch and follow along the instructions on the video. Color it in. If possible, take a photo of your artwork. Attach photo of work before pressing turned in. If you cannot attach then, email me the picture to
[email protected] or save all your work in a folder and show me when we go back to school.
If possible, take a photo of your artwork. Attach photo of work before pressing turned in. If you cannot attach then, email me the picture to:
If possible, take a photo of your artwork. Attach photo of work before pressing turned in. If you cannot attach then, email me the picture to:
Week of 5/18
Always check my teacher webpage weekly
Baby Chick Hatching
Students this week we will learn how to draw a Baby Chick Hatching using organic shapes; as well as, to shade using color. They are to watch and follow along the instructions on the video provided. Let the marker( or use black crayon) dry first then color in the image.
If possible, take a photo of your artwork and email me the picture to:
Week of 5/18
Always check my teacher webpage weekly
Students this week we will learn how to draw a chicken using organic shapes; as well as, to shade using color. They are to watch and follow along the instructions on the video provided. Let the marker( or use black crayon) dry first then color in the image.
If possible, take a photo of your artwork and email me the picture to:
Week of June 1st
Always check my teacher webpage weekly
Students this week we will learn how to draw a s’more using organic shapes and geometric shapes; as well as, to shade using color. They are to watch and follow along the instructions on the video provided. Let the marker( or use black crayon) dry first then color in the image.
If possible, take a photo of your artwork and email me the picture to: