School Nurse

Here at the Robert Fulton Annex, our mission is to create a safe learning environment where each student can explore their creativity, take intellectual risks, and reach their individual fullest potential. We want to prepare our students for their futures by allowing them to have access to technology in their instruction, by teaching them 21st Century Skills, and through the application of New Jersey’s Common Core Curriculum Standards. With our students’ linguistic abilities as second language learners, we strive to provide the most effective and thorough education for our students through the utilization of differentiated instruction.
Aquí en la escuela de Robert Fulton Annex, nuestra misión es crear un ambiente seguro para todos nuestros estudiantes donde ellos pueden explorar su creatividad, tomar riesgos intelectuales, y alcanzar su potencial individual a lo máximo. Queremos preparar a nuestros estudiantes para su futuro dándoles acceso a la tecnología en su instrucción, enseñándoles habilidades del Siglo 21, y a través de la aplicación de las Normas de Currículo Común de Nueva Jersey. Con las habilidades lingüísticas de nuestros estudiantes como Estudiantes de Segundo Idioma, nos esforzamos por ofrecer la educación más eficaz y completa para nuestros estudiantes a través de la utilización de la instrucción diferenciada.
We envision our students as being capable of reaching their own academic goals through their unique abilities, by providing experiences that promote respect and tolerance of others and their cultures.
Nosotros vemos a nuestros estudiantes con la habilidad de ser capaces de alcanzar sus metas académicas a través de sus habilidades individuales, proporcionando experiencias que promueven respeto y tolerancia a otros y a sus culturas.

- ABSENCES: When your child is sick and needs to stay home call the Attendance Office at 201- 295-2902. -AUSENCIAS: Cuando su hijo esté enfermo y necesite quedarse en casa llame a la Oficina de Asistencia al 201-295-2902.
- TARDINESS/LATE: Bring your child to the main office for a late pass. - TARDANZAS/TARDE: Traiga a su hijo a la oficina principal para obtener un pase de retraso. - KEEP A CHILD HOME UNTIL FULLY RECOVERED FOR THE FOLLOWING ILLNESSES: - MANTENGA A UN NIÑO EN CASA HASTA QUE SE RECUPERE COMPLETAMENTE DE LAS SIGUIENTES ENFERMEDADES:
Fever over 100.0°F during the morning, previous evening/night. May return to school after being fever free for 24 hours without any fever-reducing medicine.
Fiebre de más de 100.0°F durante la mañana, tarde/noche anterior. Puede regresar a la escuela después de no tener fiebre durante 24 horas sin ningún medicamento para bajar la fiebre. Diarrhea and/or vomiting during the morning or previous night. May return to school after the illness passes ranging between 24-72hrs.
Diarrea y/o vómitos durante la mañana o la noche anterior. Flu may return to school when symptoms subside, usually between 5-7 days.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis). May return to school 24 hours after initial prescribed medication and/or all discharge has stopped.
Rashes of unknown origin. Make sure to contact your child’s physician and provide a note upon return to school.
If your child has had a throat culture, please keep him/her home until you hear from physician with results of the culture. Children with “strep throat” or impetigo infections must remain home for 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic has been given. **It is important to finish entire dosage of antibiotics, even if your child is feeling “better”.
If your child has a cast or crutches please see or call the nurse before he/she comes to school. A note from the doctor will be required.
- HOME INSTRUCTION: Any student who will be absent for longer than 10 consecutive school days may require a home tutor. This will require a doctor’s note requesting tutor. Please see the nurse as soon as possible if tutor is needed.
- CLASS PARTIES: Some students in your child’s class may have food and/or tree nut allergies that can cause a life threatening medical emergency. As a result, the North Bergen Board of Education approved a “no food policy” on Wednesday, September 21, 2016. Please do not send any treats for birthdays and/or any occasions. If you have any questions regarding management of life threatening food policy, please contact building administrator(s) or review the policy on Board of Education’s website (please refer to Policy 5331 Management of Life Threatening...)
- PEDICULOSIS (HEAD LICE) SCREENINGS: Screening is conducted randomly and when needed by the nurse throughout the school year. As per the recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics: Students will be sent home for treatment and can return to school following. The nurse will check the rest of the class. The nurse will recheck your child for a few weeks to check the progress. The nurse and your doctor can help if needed.
-MEDICATIONS AT SCHOOL: If your child will need medication during the school day/year please see the nurse. Written permission from the doctor and parent should be returned to the nurse and all medication must be in the pharmacy container properly labeled and handed in by a parent. No morning or late day medications will be given unless there is an emergency need. Only medications required for life threatening emergencies will be given on a field trip. Your child's doctor may suggest that asthma inhalers and Epipens to be carried by students in their backpacks for immediate use when needed, please speak with the nurse if that is the case.
-SPORTS PHYSICALS: Any student playing a school sport in grades 6-12 must have a sports physical exam done by their doctor prior to the sport starting. The physical forms can be found on the North Bergen home page under athletics and Bruin forms. Return completed physicals to the nurse.
-ANNUAL PHYSICAL EXAMS: Physicals are recommended yearly. The school nurse will send home a physical form at the end of each school year. If your child's physician completes a physical form, please return it to the nurse.
-VACCINES: All students who are entering grade 6 or are 11 years old are required by the State of NJ to have a Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine. Please provide proof to the nurse.
1. Illness with fever, active repeat vomiting, diarrhea.
2. Head wounds or severe hit to head.
3. Severe wounds especially when may require sutures.
4. Suspected broken bones/fractures “student states they can’t walk”.
5. Fainting, disorientation.
6. Suspected contagious illness.
7. Anything other student complaint or issue that the nurse feels she needs to report to you as needed.
We look forward to a healthy school year!